Sunday, June 5, 2016

Module 1: ‘What Hollywood can teach us about the Future of Work’

Based on this article, what future of work trends are going to affect the HR profession?  
Respond to this question by including it in your blog.

This article gives and overview of a shift in approach to business.  
Trend 1.  Short-­term, project-­based teams
While the approach over the last hundred years consisted of large companies and factories that offered long-term, open ended jobs, there is a recent shift toward the "Hollywood model".  Short-­term, project-­based teams that "can be assembled based on the specific needs of that moment and with a limited financial commitment".
This suggests that the use of contingent workers will increase.  
Trend 2.  Continuous information about which skills are valuable
Along with the major shift toward the Hollywood model, come others such as continual signaling of what skills are needed, on trend, and highly desirable.  The older, factory model uses the much slower cycle of feedback, occurring during mass layoffs, or when an employee asked for a raise.
Trend 3.  Unions?
The article notes Hollywood it's self is highly unionized -  while overall organized labor has declined over the last several decades - at least in the United States.  The article did not explore unions as a trend, but could the short term, ad hoc team trend mean that labor organizations will gain popularity again?
Trend 4.  Automation
Because of increased automation and globalization of trade with low-wage nations, companies can churn out low cost commodities with ease.  It is difficult to become competitive this way anymore.  Quoting the article "Profits need to come from that extra something that only your company can give, something for which customers are willing to pay a premium."
Filling talent gaps quickly and competing for knowledge workers will be critical for HR in the future.

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