Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Machine is Us/ing Us

The Machine is Us/ing Us

This video, while seven years old is still relevant and insightful on several levels.  Not to mention the fact that it is visually mesmerizing and gives the Wayback Machine a shout out! Was I the only one who got sidetracked by the compulsion to visit the Wayback Machine and surf through a decade or so of Yahoo, MySpace and You Tube?

I'm not too familiar with XML, so I'm not 100% sure how it separates form and function, but I did get the message that this was transformational in how information moved around and was linked on the internet.

The list of words at the end... the "few things we may need to rethink"... authorship, identity, governance, privacy, love, family. These are all thought provoking.
Seven years ago the web was even more of a wild west than it is today. So much promise, then it truly was by us and for us.  Net neutrality was still somewhat taken for granted.  Now it seems as if, while legally we do have net neutrality, there may be less of an equal playing field, depending on what browsers are used, etc.

That being said, we are all still free to produce write, develop and share on the web making us controlling IT.  At the same time, the internet has become such an integral part of or daily lives that we can no longer separate ourselves from it.  It controls US.

Good Stuff.

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