Monday, June 6, 2016

Module 1: 'Accenture - The Future of HR: A Radically Different Proposition'

 Accenture, a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, shares its opinion on the future of HR in this brief, high level piece.
What are 5 developments in technology are going to affect HR?

1.  Social & gamification
2.  Cloud
3.  Mobile
4.  Big Data
5.  Consumer applications

Given what you know about HR, do you agree with the potential changes posited by Accenture in the article? 

Absolutely.  HR as a field must increase it's awareness of new technologies and increase it's comfort level with analytics to keep pace with the needs of it's client groups.  Other units in the business will be adopting these technologies, HR can't afford not to keep up.

Theorize how technology might change for a particular HR function.  Provide an example.

Business Partners will increasingly use the cloud to share and collaborate with management across the country and globally.  They will use social & gamification technologies to increase engagement, and Big Data to analyze turnover, performance, compensation, etc.


  1. We are in the process of implementing new technologies and a challenge has been advocating the use of this new technology. We have had some people (even within HR) be resistant to the change from paper based processes and information and switching to real-time, electronic data. I think those in HR, especially Business Partners, need to get on the technology bandwagon and realize all the benefits this new technology provides.

  2. Agreed Marie! Even I get nervous about change, but i can't let myself get held back by not embracing it .
